I always have a little something for everyone

Monday 11 April 2011

Act II

        Early this morning, I was talking to my flowers in the garden when Romeo came skipping over happier than I’d seen him in a while. I was starting to think he finally hooked up with Rosaline somehow, but he said he was over her. It didn’t make sense. Clearly he had been out all night and I think it was with a girl, but if not Rosaline then who? It was worse than I thought, he is in love with Juliet! If anyone finds out he’ll be killed. He wants me to marry them! That’s the trouble with young people these days. They don’t know how to ease into a relationship. They find what they think is love and throw themselves into it way too fast. I fear that hopeless Romeo will be the one who gets hurt here.
          At the church, I had an idea… What if this isn’t a problem but the solution to all the problems in Verona. If this marriage works out, it would end the feud between the Montagues and Capulets. And I would be the one who gets the credit! Hehehe… Besides, they really like each other. This could work!

-Friar Lawrence OUT!


  1. Don't count on it. I bite my thumb at you Monatgue rats.

  2. Yes, I'm dearly in love with Juliet! I knew after you let it sink in, you would understand how I feel. Juliet marrying me was the best thing I could ever ask for. THANKS BRO <3

  3. This could not work!THis will not work! How can two people who's families are enemies get married? Wait 'til Capulet finds out about this marriage. He will be furious and forbit Juliet to ever see Romeo again! You'll see!!

  4. Romeo doesn’t love Juliet. I know the real Romeo, and he would never love a Capulet.

  5. You can't marry underage kids without their parents consent. Your marraige license is revoked.!!!! :@

  6. Thank you so much for seeing this our way, Friar Lawrence. I thought at first that this may be a huge mistake, way too fast, but now, since you've pointed out that this could be a blessing in disguise, ALL my worries are over! This is going to end great :)

  7. Yeahhhhhhh So glad you mari333d rome dwg and j-swagg ! thanks broooo <3 . you helped a brothaa outttttttttt :)

  8. I forbid you from marrying them!!
