I always have a little something for everyone

Monday 4 April 2011

What has Verona come to?

            Here in the city Verona things have been rough lately, well things have really always been rough. With civil blood being spread on the streets daily, the nobles of our town are corrupting it at the roots. The other day I was performing my daily pharmaceutical routine whilst I happen to over hear some ill-mannered shouts. It was the Caplets Sampson who had bit his thumb at Montague Abraham. Then Tybalt, he who can never stay out of trouble, had to join in and stake the pot a bit. If the prince had never showed up it could have been a lot worst. It’s just plain ridiculous. They never weigh the consequences of their actions before they act. The Montague Romeo seems to be staying out of the fights fairly well. I quite often come across him contemplating deep thoughts in the Grove of Sycamore. He has been depressed for he is in love. In love with one who has vowed never to love him, or any other for that matter. He is stuck on this one girl, because she is his first love and he does not know how to move on.

-Friar Lawrence OUT!


  1. Well, guess what?! I met this incredible girl last night. Rosaline is completely out of the picture. I'll keep you updated.
    Love you dude XOXO (no homo)

  2. I'm tired of hearing of this Romeo guy. He makes me sick...

    Friar, you bore me.


  3. Romeo is sad because he is too stupid to figure out that love doesn't exist. If he became more like me and just enjoyed life, instead of "contemplating the meaning" he wouldn't be depressed. I am never depressed, just angry and high on life.

  4. I don’t know how our Romeo could fall in love with a women so determined never to love. It’s hard to think that such people walk the earth with us, people who want to never feel. If lady Rosaline doesn’t want to love, she doesn’t want to live.

  5. Romeo my poor boy, depressed because of this one love, how could she not love my son?

  6. EASY! She WON'T love him. She's for Paris.

  7. Lady Capulet,
    Have we not discussed this, I know what is best for our daughter, and the best choice for her is to choose her own husband. If she chooses Romeo then so be it!

    xoxo Nurse

  8. I know how you feel Friar, I've stayed clear of the riots that the youth have corrupted from the seed of our Fathers' anger. I wish things did not have to be this way.
