I always have a little something for everyone

Tuesday 19 April 2011


Sometimes I feel like Romeos life would make an exciting romantic tragedy. He is madly in love with Juliet who he has to see secretly because they are forbidden to be together; and now they are secretly married. Today, Romeo killed Juliet’s cousin, Tybalt, to avenge Mercutio. As a result, he is banished and will probably never be able to be with his wife. I actually think they make a good couple and could last quite a while. I really like how happy she makes him. I’m really *proud of him, as a father would be of his son. Juliet is taking this rather well. I expected her to hate Romeo, but she only hates that her parents have promised her to someone else. Romeo, on the other hand is acting like a child. I should have know when he wanted to marry Juliet, that he has no sense of reason, and doesn’t understand how to use his brain as well as his heart. When he got to my cell, he was crying like a little girl. He was so self absorbed he almost killed himself; before I reminded him Juliet lives to be with him. “Wilt thou slay thyself? And slay thy lady too that lives in thee, by doing damned hate upon thyself.” I told him, when I had a talk with him this afternoon before he went to go see Juliet for the last time. I hope I was able to talk some sense into him. I told him, “Go get thee thy love, as was decreed, ascend her chamber, hence and comfort her.” I’m really *concerned about him. He has an unhealthy amount of passion. As tragic as all this is, I am still *hopeful that their marriage has a small chance of working out and ending the town’s feud. Try your best Romeo! For yourself, Juliet, your families, and the rest of the town. (I’ve always got your back when you need me.)

-Friar Lawrence OUT!


  1. It would make a good romantic tragedy, to bad Romeo is exiled :(

  2. Hope is comforting, however we must take into consideration the situation at hand. The consequences could be severe should the families find out at the wrong time. Beware the wrath of their parents.

  3. you're not the father of our son! so back off bizzaaaach

  4. Too bad, too bad. Romeo should have been killed! He murdered me!! This exile thing is as stupid as the montagues. I want him dead!

  5. Hah...


    Screw you, Friar!
    Whether Juliet is "secretly married" to this scum bag or not, her and I WILL BE WED ON THURSDAY!
    *Kicks ground*

